Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hello World!

So Isabella turned 4 months old yesterday and in just a few weeks Aria will be 6! 6 years old! Someone please tell me where my baby went? I think children should come with a remote control, where we can pause, rewind, sometimes fast forward and go in slow motion! Dean and I sat down the other night and looked at all of her baby pictures. We haven't seen them in awhile since my computer was being fixed. It was nice, I miss her being so small, and it reminds me to stop and remember those times. We went out to run some errands today and Aria just complained about everything (it's hot, I'm sweaty, why can't I ride in the stroller). She is, however, my child and I, too, am a complainer.

I got very excited when I went to the mailbox today! I had diaper detergent and cloth wipes that arrived today! I am enjoying this little adventure in cloth diapering I am having. Now if my fabulous new diaper bag would just get here I will be a happy girl! I once again rearranged Isabella's changing table today. I got some cute baskets to put diapers in now everything is right where I need it and can reach it. If only I could get the rest of my house organized! I am working on it slowly! Hopefully I can get it done before the little peapod is mobile!


  1. They do indeed grow up way too quickly. As Miss Lydia hit her 10th birthday last month it was just another reminder of how quickly it all happens. I wish I could rewind to enjoy all those baby moments again(and maybe a few moments with my Nana too).
    The blog looks great!

  2. i've only known you and Aria a year and a half now but i've noticed how much Aria has grown up! :) she's so precious! i'm happy that i was here for baby Bells and i can't wait to see her grow up! :)
